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Know Your Faith
The Flying Monk - A True Story of Padre Pio from WW2

The Story of the San Damiano Crucifix

San Damiano Crucifix from Monastery Icons

“The same things that the Book of the Gospels explains by mea... 
The Passion of Christ in Iconography | Gospel Narration by Alexander Scourby

This video tells the story of the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesu... 

8 Things You Might Not Know About the Holy Cross

THE HOLY CROSS OF CHRIST has much history and lore behind it, and today on the feast of the Holy Cross it is a good time to consider this...

"The stone which the builders rejected"

The Practice of the Holy Name

The shortest, easiest, and most powerful of prayers



During a prayerful vigil one night in fourteenth-century England, the hermit Blessed Richard ... 

7 Reasons Why the Saints Are Important


9 Ways the Virgin Mary is Our Mother

9 Ways the Virgin Mary is our Mother


A History of Iconography

The Text of the Video:

Iconography is a special mode of Christian sacred... 

5 Reasons Why the Angels Are Important

In these trying times, it's wise to reflect on the great gifts we have received in our Faith, and how they can help us to meet the challenge of maintaining our religious life and inner peace. Let's consider five points ... 

Faith Solutions: A Man With a Plan
Prayer Corner
Odysseys of Faith: Our Subscribers' Shutdown Lessons


The Story of the Byzantine Crucifix

San Damiano Crucifix from Monastery Icons

Who was Jesus' Egyptian Friend?

Who was Saint Mina?

This seventh-century Coptic icon eloquently presents Christ in a unique light - not as king, teacher, or even the beloved, but ... 

The Prayer of Jesus and the Prayer Rope (Weaving Prayer Ropes)

In their quest to "pray without ceasing" Eastern Christians have prayed the Jesus Prayer using woolen r... 

The History & Symbolism of Iconography

ICONOGRAPHY IS THE ORIGINAL TRADITION of Christian sacred art, and has been an integral part of the worship and mystical life of Christians since apostolic times. Referred to in the Eastern Chris... 

How an Icon is Painted

An Explanation of the Techniques of Byzantine Iconography

ICONOGRAPHY IS THE OLDEST TRADITION of Christian sacred art, embodying the work of thousands of iconographers, many of whom were themselves saints. Unlike other approaches to painting, the creation of an icon ... 

What did Jesus look like? A contemporary description

Face of Christ

Artists, saints, and all the faithful have wondered through the centuries:
What did Jesus look like?... 

How an Icon is Created

To create this online video we photographed successive stages of the creatio... 

Lost, Found, and Crowned

The Story of the Most Famous Icon of the Virgin Mary

Our Lady of Perpetual Help from Monastery Icons

Who Wrote the Prayer of Saint Francis?

Monastery Icons Saint Francis iconWhat will surprise many readers is that no serious scholar today, Franciscan or otherwis... 

St Francis and the Animals

The Story Behind This Icon

Anyone who has had a p... 

Saint Dymphna–healer of emotional disorders and mental illness

BORN IN IRELAND in the seventh century, Saint Dymphna was the daughter of Damon, a p... 

Saint Maria Goretti, Icon of Purity

Saint Maria Goretti icon

Saint Maria carr... 

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks

Icon of St. Kateri Tekakwitha from Monastery Icons

Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980, Kateri Tekakwitha was ... 

The Patron Saint of Everything

Saint JosephDeclared the Guardian of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX in 1870, ... 

The Song the Angels Taught the Monks

Axion Estin iconSince the beginning of Chris... 

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Martyr of Charity

Saint Maximilian icon from Monastery IconsOne of the few advan... 

The Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Juan Diego

The Virgin Mary appearing to Saint Juan DiegoRecorded by Antonio Valeriano in 1531

Don Antonio Valeriano wrote one... 

Learning the Language of Icons: The Ascension

Ascension icon from Monastery Icons"Icons invite a quiet looking."

Brother Simeon's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

In May of 2016 I was blessed to make my firs... 

Holy Land Photo Pilgrimage - part 2

Holy Land Pilgrimage part 2 banner

The Art of Fine Art Reproduction

The care that Monastery Icons puts into each icon reproduction is s... 

Saint André of Montreal: A new saint for the Americas

Oratory of Saint JosephRising above a hill in Montreal known as Mount Royal, there stands one of the largest cathedra... 

Who Was Saint George?

Saint George icon

Father Emil Kapaun: The Saint in the Foxhole

Father Emil Kapaun

Born of Czech immigran... 

Holy Protection of the Virgin Mary

Holy Protection Icon from Monastery IconsSince th... 

Assumption: The Virgin Mary's parting gift to Saint Thomas
The mosaic of the Virgin Mary giving her belt to the Apostle Thomas

While preaching the Gospel in India, Saint Thomas the Apostle received the inner call to return ... 

Let the Children Come to Me
Saint Ignatius, the child who Jesus blessed

The Gospels are filled with the testimonies of how the lives of all who met Jesus... 

Lumina Gold

Since we began offering reproductions of the Monastery Icons collection in 1981 it has been a challenge to reproduce the gold leaf backgrounds of our original icons. But a new photo technology c... 

Pots and Pans and More: The Catholic Origins of Today's Halloween

halloween header

SOME OF OUR MOST POPULAR HOLIDAYS have surprising origins, and Halloween is one of them. Merrymaking, costumes, going from house to house asking for treats – where did all this ... 

Pass the Bowl of Angels, Please

A Super Bowl of Pretzels

A long time ago in a place far away…
A common origin story of pretzels is that they were created by a monk around 6... 

The Resurrection of Christ in Iconography Video

The Gospels contain accounts of a number of appearances of Jesus after His Resurrection. In this video we share iconography from Monastery Icons and other classic sources depicting these events in sync with the famed narration of the famed actor and narrator Alexander Scourby.


Pysanky: The Fine Art of Easter Egg Painting

The Ukrainian folk art of Easter eggs, known as Pysanky, is believed to have originated in ancient times. As with many forms of folk art, it was ... 

The Story of the First Easter Egg

Before the egg became closely entwined with the Christian Easter, it was honored during many rite-of-Spring festivals. The Romans, Gauls, Chinese, Egyptians and Persians all cherished the egg as a symbol of the universe, of the earth’s rebirt... 

Why "Easter"?

Christ Victorious iconWhere does the term "Eas... 

What did Jesus do on Holy Saturday?

Resurrection of Christ iconMost of us are familiar with the i... 

Jerusalem's Annual Paschal Miracle: The Holy Fire

The Holy Fire at the Holy Sepulchre

The shrine of the Tomb of Christ, the faithful holding lighted candles kindled from ... 

From Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus - Pt 1

Saint Nicholas statue from Monastery Icons... 

Monastery Icons Christmas Icons Video

9 Important Things for Christians to Remember During Difficult Times

man lighting candles


Saint Nicholas and the Origin of Santa Claus - Part 2

Saturday-Evening-Post-Santa-clauseThe first Europeans to arrive in the New World brought St. Nicholas. Vi... 

The Story of Three Kings Gifts

An epiphany that led to The Epiphany

The Story of the First Nativity Set

The origin... 

The Nativity Story Told Through Icons
Nativity Story Told Through Icons narrated by Alexander Scourby

Hear the Greatest Voice Narrate the Greatest Story!

Heralded as "the greatest voice ever recorded," actor a... 

"O Holy Night" Video

Inspired by the icon in the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, our new Nativity icon "O Holy Night" took several months to complete. But it will only take you two minutes to see the stages of its creation unfold in this online video.