For over two thousand years the Blessed Virgin has given her protection, guidance, and solace to millions of men and women who have sought her help.
This motherly care continues into mordern times. A famous example is that of Franz Werfel, a Czech Jew who in 1940 along with his wife fled the Nazi persecution of the Jews. Their flight from the Gestapo eventually brought them to the holy city of Lourdes, famous for the Virgin Mary's apparitions to the simple peasant girl Saint Bernadette.
It was a time of great dread: "Each morning when I woke up it was in ignorance as to whether I was still a free man or a prisoner condemned to death." During his stay at Lourdes, through the families that gave him refuge he became acquainted with the wondrous history of the
Blessed Mother's appearances and the numerous healings of Lourdes.
"One day in my great distress I made a vow. I vowed that if I escaped from this desperate situation and reached the saving shores of America, I would put off all other tasks and sing, as best I could, the song of Bernadette."
He safely reached America, and in fulfillment of his vow wrote the best-selling book "The Song of Bernadette," which within a few months found millions of American readers and inspired the Academy Award winning film of the same title.
"O my mother, in your heart I placed all my anguish of my heart and it is there that I gain strength and courage."
—Saint Bernadette