Print Catalog

Hand-Painted Icons of the Virgin Mary
Immaculate Heart Original Icon 20" tall SOLD SOLD The Immaculate Heart Original Icon feature the merciful gaze of the Blessed Virgin filling the beholder with the very love for her Divine Son and compassion for mankind that burns in her Immaculate Heart. Now this original icon can be part of your private collection. Painted with vibrant colors... 
Mother of Our Savior Original Icon 14" tall SOLD SOLD Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Mother of Our Savior exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one yea... 
Our Lady of the Rosary Original Icon 20" tall Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of Our Lady of the Rosary exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years. Thi... 
Coronation of the Virgin Mary Original Icon 20" tall Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Coronation of the Virgin Mary exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one... 
Our Lady of Bethlehem Original Icon 20" tall Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the apparition of Our Lady of Bethlehem exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past for... 
Our Lady Untier of Knots Original Icon 20" tall Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the apparition of Our Lady Untier of Knots exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past ... 
Our Lady of Lourdes Original Icon 20" tall Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of Our Lady of LourdesÕ apparition to Saint Bernadette exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian ar... 
Virgin Mary Directress Original Icon 20" tall Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Virgin Mary Directress exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years.... 
Our Lady Of Grace Original Icon 20" tall SOLD SOLD reated by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of Our Lady of Grace exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years. This... 
Immaculate Conception Original Icon 24" tall SOLD SOLD Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Immaculate Conception exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one ye... 
Our Lady of Guadalupe Original Icon SOLD SOLD 
Our Lady of Kazan Original Icon 14" tall SOLD SOLD Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of Our Lady of Kazan exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years. Thi... 
Virgin and Child Original Icon 14" tall SOLD SOLD Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Virgin and Child exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years. ... 
Sweet Kissing Original Icon 20" tall SOLD SOLD Created by the hand of American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Sweet Kissing exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-on... 
Virgin Enthroned Chapel Size Original Icon 30" tall SOLD SOLD Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Virgin Enthroned exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years. ... 
Holy Family Portrait Original Icon 20" tall SOLD SOLD Add to your private collection of original fine Christian art with the hand painted Holy Family Portrait Original Icon 20" tall. Filled with religious symbolism such as the miraculously blooming staff of Saint Joseph, the Holy Family shares a moment of tranquility with the viewer. This original... 
Our Lady of Fatima Original Icon 20" tall SOLD SOLD Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past f... 
Queen of Angels Original Icon 28" tall SOLD SOLD

Created by American iconographer Brother Simeon Davis, this original icon of the Queen of Angels exemplifies the radiant colors, fine detail, and fidelity to classical iconography that has made the Monastery Icons collection the most beloved Christian art over the past forty-one years....