Print Catalog

Icons of Christ
Divine Mercy Icon The Divine Mercy Icon shows the merciful Risen Christ as He revealed Himself to Saint Faustina Kowalska. This icon of Christ shows the resurrected Christ in the Upper Room on Saint Thomas Sunday, bestowing blessing and mercy. Created with the kind assistance of the Divine Mercy Apostolate. p>


Christ the Teacher Icon Our most popular icon! Holding a Gospel declaring: "I am the Light of the world" Christ blesses the beholder. In these icons of Christ His halo includes the letters "I AM," symbolizing His divinity and referring to His words, ""Before Abraham was, I AM." The Greek letters "IC" and "XC" in the... 
Sacred Heart Icon A unique iconographic presentation of this most beloved theme. The Heart of Christ is represented burning with love for mankind most vividly manifest in His suffering and sacrifice on the Cross in these icons of Christ. Shop for these and other icons of Chr... 
Divine Mercy Icon The Divine Mercy Icon shows the merciful Risen Christ as He revealed Himself to Saint Faustina Kowalska. This icon of Christ shows the resurrected Christ in the Upper Room on Saint Thomas Sunday, bestowing blessing and mercy. Created with the kind assistance of the Divine Mercy Apostolate. Av... 
Byzantine Christ portrait icon A stunning enlargement of Brother Simeon's poignant portrait of Christ in the traditional Byzantine style. Available in our full range of plaques and prints sizes. 
Christ the Divine Child Icon "And the Child grew and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him" (Luke 2:40). Brother Simeon's poignant depiction shows a child like no other, radiating peace, blessing, and a maturity far beyond childhood. The lamb symbolizes both roles as both shepherd and red... 
Good Shepherd Icon "I am the good shepherd and I lay down my life for the sheep." Jesus the Divine Shepherd gazes mercifully at us, as the sheep look on him with trust and adoration in the Good Shepard Icon. These icons of Christ gently remind of the love Christ has for us. Monastery Icons has a heartfelt selec... 
Christ the High Priest Icon "I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven." This new portrait of Christ presents the Savior as the High Priest eternally offering Himself through the Holy Eucharist. The Lumina Gold background is further enhanced with ornamentation in these icons of Christ. Find the Christ the High Pr... 
Hofmann's Portrait of Christ Hoffman's Portrait of Christ is perhaps one of the most well-known and beloved portraits of Christ and one of our favorite icons of Christ. Our digitally restored version is a detail from German painter, Heinrich Hoffman's (1824-1911), painting "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler." Find this lov... 
Prayer in the Garden icon Brother Simeon's rendition of Heinrich Hofmann's engraving of Christ's agony in the garden blends iconographic and natural styles, with a unique addition of a luminous chalice, a brilliant icon of Christ. Available in our full range of plaques and prints sizes. 
Christ the True Friend Icon This 7th century Coptic icon eloquently presents Christ in a unique light: not as king, teacher, or even the beloved, but as our friend. Holding the book of the Gospels, Jesus rests His arm on the shoulder of Saint Mina, a Coptic ascetic and martyr of the third century, with the Savior's words in th... 
The Divine Physician Icon A timely icon for these troubled days, Brother Simeon's rendition of Heinrich Hofmann's engraving of Christ healing blends iconographic and naturalistic styles. The poignant expressions of the mother and her child mirror the hopes of so many Christians in these difficult times, who look prayerfully ... 
Christ Victorious Icon "By death has He trampled down death!" In this Easter Christ Victorious icon holy angels kneel in awe before the Risen Christ, who looks heavenward and stands in on the door of His tomb carrying the banner of victory. These icons of Christ, are customer favorites during Lent and Easter.
For the Life of the World icon Through the sacrament of the Eucharist Jesus fulfills His promise "I am with you always." The title of this new icon was taken from the prayer in the Eastern Christian Liturgy where the priest invokes the Holy Spirit to transform the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ "for the life of ... 
Cretan-Style Christ the Teacher Icon Created in homage to his favorite period in the 2,000-year history of Christian sacred art, Brother Simeon Davis' new portrait of Christ emulates the style of the Cretan School of the 15th and 16th centuries. This icon of Christ the All-Ruler (Pantocrator) or Christ the Light-Giver (named after the ... 
Christ Pantocrator Icon This powerful portrait of an enthroned Christ Pantocrator ("ruler of all") is the central figure in the Deesis mosaic created in the 13th century as a new adornment to the imperial cathedral of Hagia Sophia. 
Christ Blessing plaque Simple but powerful, this new creation by artist Brother Simeon Davis is based on Heinrich HofmannÕs famous portrait of Christ. 
Byzantine Christ Icon A new classic from iconographer Simeon Davis, this portrait presents Christ as both compassionate and powerful, holding the Gospels and blessing the beholder. The lettering in the upper corner is the abbreviation for the Greek words for "Jesus Christ," as it appears in traditional Byzantine icons of... 
I Am The Good Shepherd Icon "I am the good shepherd and my sheep know my voice." Christ the Good Shepherd gazes out of this icon in serene strength, as a lamb nestles at his breast. Available in all our icon formats and sizes. 
Holy Family, Portrait Style Icon In these icons of Christ the Holy Family gazes at the viewer with calm repose. The Blessed Virgin gestures towards her divine Son, who blesses with one hand and with the other grasps the miraculously blooming staff of His guardian, Saint Joseph. Find the Holy Family, Portrait Style Icon, as w... 
Christ and the Children Icon These icons of Christ are a favorite of children, parents, and schools! "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Christ looks with love and compassion upon the children and mothers that gather around Him. Shop for other inspirationa... 
Light of the World Inspirational Icon "I am the Light of the World." Christ's words in the Gospel of Saint John make a memorable addition to your home and chapel. These icons of Christ are available in plaque and print sizes LG (8"x 10") and larger. Look to Monastery Icons for additional ... 
Stations of the Cross Story Icon Designed as an aid to prayerful contemplation of the Stations of the Cross, this colorful icon of our portrait of the suffering Christ is surrounded by all fourteen Stations of the Cross in the Monastery Icons collection. These icons of Christ are available as icon plaques and prints in our LG throu... 
Light of the World icon "I am the Light of the World," proclaims Christ, standing on the globe of the earth and extending His hands in blessing in these icons of Christ. Our Light of the World icon brings comfort and joy to all who view it.

Be sure to peruse all of the ... 
Christ Carrying the Cross Icon In this vivid and poignant portrait, the suffering Christ looks penetratingly into your eyes. A classic Byzantine style icon that eloquently conveys the message of Christ's sacrifice. Painted in the Byzantine style with close attention to traditional color and detail, like all our icons of Christ. ... 
Christ the Lifegiver Icon In this iconographic pose also known as O Eleimon, "the Merciful," the Savior radiates serene strength and grace. These icons of Christ are meant to remind and inspire and make a spiritual addition to any home. Shop Monastery Icons today for a wonderful selection of ... 
Let the children come to Me Icon Modelled after a classic Russian icon, this portrait of Christ speaks eloquently of the comfort of his loving protection over all children. Available in all our usual icon sizes and formats. 
Ornamental Christ Icon The Ornamental Christ Icon, combines Monastery Icons' distinctive style with the ornamental design of 19th century Russia. These icons of Christ bring an enduring presence of sacred beauty to your home or wherever they are displayed. Shop the entire selection of i... 
The King of Glory Plaque "By Thy Cross, O Lord, Thou hast redeemed the world." All fourteen Stations of the Cross frame our icon of the Extreme Humility. This eloquent presentation of Christ's sacrifice for mankind speaks to the heart. Monastery icons specializes in capturing the message of our Lord through our icons of ... 
House of Nazareth Icon The House of Nazareth Icon makes a wonderful addition to any home or church. These icons of Christ remind us always continue to build our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Discover these and other icons of Christ right now at Monastery Icons. 
Face of Christ Icon These icons of Christ feature one of our most popular portraits of Christ. Based on historical accounts and visions of the saints, the Shroud of Turin, and previous attempts of artists of both the East and West, this painting of The Face of Christ attempts to convey both the outer appearance and inn... 
Good Shepherd Portrait Icon "I am the good shepherd and I lay down my life for the sheep." Jesus the Divine Shepherd gazes upon us with mercy, as a sheep looks at Him with trust in this Good Shepard Portrait Icon. These icons of Christ remind us that Christ is our shepherd and make a special addition to any home who fol... 
Christ the Lightgiver Icon The Savior gazes at us with serene mercy, His hand blessing the beholder in the Christ the LIghtgiver Icon. These icons of Christ combine a dignified and restrained realism with the traditional symbolism of iconography, reminiscent of the 19th century Moscow school of iconography. Find other ... 
Christ Knocking at the Door Icon "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will eat with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). With these icons of Christ we are reminded, the absence of an outside knob on the door indicates that we must open our heart... 
Christ the King Icon The Christ the King Icon reminds us there is only one true King. Pope Pius XI instituted the feast of Christ the King in 1925 to remind Christians that their allegiance was to their spiritual ruler in heaven as opposed to earthly supremacy, which at that time in Italy was claimed by the dictator, Be... 
Christ the Light of the World Icon Christ radiates grace and strength through this compelling and colorful portrait. These icons of Christ provide a gentle reminder that Christ is the Light of the World. For other artistic icons of Christ be sure to shop at Monastery Icons today. 
Christ Enthroned Icon Christ blesses us and holds the Gospels in the Christ the Enthroned Icon. The band of gold and red cloth on His right shoulder is modelled after that worn by sons of Byzantine emperors to indicate they were royal heirs; here it indicates Christ's divine sonship in these icons of Christ. Let M... 
Holy Family Icon These icons of Christ provide a colorful depiction cherished in homes and parishes throughout the country. In this unique icon, the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph look with care and adoration on the Divine Child. An eternal theme brought to new life by contemporary iconography. Choose this o... 
Extreme Humility Icon Traditionally used in Holy Week, these icons of Christ depict Christ in His Passion, crowned with thorns, robed in purple, holding a reed in His bound hands. Discover the perfect icons of Christ, like the Extreme Humility Icon, today at Monastery Icons. 
Good Samaritan Icon The Good Samaritan is depicted as Christ Himself. The Savior gazes with mercy and compassion into the grateful eyes of the wounded man while the priest and Levite pass on in these icons of Christ. In this way, Christ is portrayed as the model of true love for our neighbor for it is in answer ... 
Christ the True Vine I am the vine, you are the branches, proclaimed Christ to the holy Apostles. These new icons of Christ feature our most popular icon of Jesus, surrounded by the twelve Apostles (St. Matthias as the twelfth). Available in in our full range of plaques and prints, starting with the 10" size. Exp... 
Life of Christ Icon Through the icons of Christ we contemplate His bodily form, His miracles, and His sufferings...and we are sanctified (Saint John Damascene). Designed in the ancient biographical style of iconography, our newest icons feature fourteen of the major events in the Savior's life, surrounding our icon of ... 
Life of Christ Icon - Sacred Heart version Through the icons of Christ we contemplate His bodily form, His miracles, and His sufferings...and we are sanctified (Saint John Damascene). Designed in the ancient biographical style of iconography, our newest icons feature fourteen of the major events in the Savior's life, surrounding our i... 
Christ is Risen Story Icon For thousands of years, Christians have greeted the Paschal dawn with the triumphant cry "Christ is risen!" All the principal events surrounding Holy Week are commemorated in this story icon, creating a visual laurel of timeless scenes crowning Christ's victory over death. These icons of Christ... 
Christ is Risen Story Icon All the principal events surrounding Holy Week are commemorated in this Christ is Risen Story Icon, creating a visual laurel of timeless scenes that culiminate in Christ's victory over death. These icons of Christ are available in in our full range of plaques and prints, starting with the 10"... 
Sermon on the Mount In Dutch painter Carl BlochÕs much-beloved scene, Christ preaches the New Dispensation to His apostles and other followers, as theyÊ prayerfully and thoughtfully look on. 
Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler Heinrich Hoffman's painting of Christ's admonition to the rich young man to sell his riches and give to the poor captures the seminal moment of a teaching for all Christians. Note: Use our usual height measurements for plaques and prints to see the width of reproductions of this image. 
Christ the Healer Icon This Byzantine style Christ the Healer Icon depicts a dynamic Christ reaching out to raise a young girl from her sick bed, as her parents look on in prayer and gratitude. These icons of Christ depict Him in all of his grace and mercy. Monastery Icons provides an unparalleled collection of ... 
Christ Healing Sick Icon "And the whole multitude sought to touch Him: there went virtue out of Him, and healed them all." As Christ grants sight to the young blind man, a crowd of the lame, leprous, and possessed petition the Savior for His healing mercy, and the woman with an issue of blood touches the hem of His garment ... 
Christ Teaching Icon The Apostles and the multitudes gather around the Savior to hear His blessed words in these icons of Christ from Monastery Icons. Perfect for a special place in your home. Peruse the entire selection of icons of Christ only from Monastery Icons. 
Discounted pair: Christ the Teacher & Virgin and Child SAVE with this discounted pair of icons of Christ: the Teacher and the Virgin and Child. Available in plaque sizes from 19" to 60" tall. One of many attractive and affordable Discounted Icon Sets offered by Monastery Icons. 
Discounted icon pair - Christ the Light of the World and Our Lady of Light SAVE with this discounted pair of icons of Christ featuring our icons of Christ the Light of the World and Our Lady of Light. Available in plaque sizes from 4" to 24" tall. One of many attractive and affordable Discounted Icon Set... 
Discounted icon pair—Ornamental Christ & Virgin Mary SAVE with this discounted pair of icons of Christ, including Ornamental Christ and Virgin Mary. Available in plaque sizes from 4" to 24" tall. One of many attractive and affordable Discounted Icon Sets currently availab... 
Discounted Pair—Christ the Lightgiver & Virgin Mary Directress SAVE on this discounted pair of icons of Christ, which includes both: the Lightgiver and Virgin Mary Directress. Available in plaque sizes from 4" to 24" tall. One of many attractive and affordable Discounted Icon Sets offered... 
Discounted Story Icon Pair Save with this discounted pair: matching icons of our popular Life of Christ and Life of the Virgin Mary icons. Choose from our full selection of formats and sizes in the pulldown menus to the right. 
Discounted Pair—Sacred Heart & Immaculate Heart SAVE with this discounted pair of icons of Christ including, the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. Available in plaque sizes from 4" to 24" tall. Some of many attractive and affordable Discounted Icon Sets offered by ... 
Christ Pantocrator Icon A classic depiction of Christ the Òruler of allÓ or Òalmighty,Ó that dates back to the earlies centuries of Byzantine iconography and frequently appears in the domes of ancient churches. Christ looks down from the heavens through a ringed rainbow upon creation. Symbols of...