14 Classic Fragrances
"Your incense rates an Olympic 10 gold medal! At last we've found the incense that combines everything we were looking for in incense."
Sister Stella Maris, Saint Louis, Missouri
Discover for yourself why Monastery Incense is the most popular incense in thousands of
parishes throughout the USA:
- A varied selection of exquisite fragrances - floral, rose, aromatic woods and resins, and special blends
- Consistently pleasing and long-lasting scent
- No choking or "burnout"or "gumming up"
Each fragrance is available in 12 oz and 6 oz packages.
New package sizes, same superior incense
Monastery Incense is crafted from a unique formula using the highest quality gum resins and natural aromatics, specially imported from Sumatra, Somalia, and India. Over the past twelve years, though our costs have steadily risen we have not raised prices nor compromised our formula. Now we are introducing new, smaller packages, to continue offering you the highest quality incense for your worship at budget-friendly prices.